
Music Theory Program Package

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Music Theory Program Package

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Bands like Metallica, Dream Theater, Megadeth and Black Sabbath inspired me to pick up the guitar at age 14. There was just one problem... when I plugged in and cranked the gain to 11, I sounded HORRIBLE. I couldn't figure out how to get the sounds in my head to flow through my fingers. I tried guitar lessons, joined a band and even played at church but nothing seemed to work. I didn't see the kind results I was after until going to music school in 2001. That's when I finally started to piece things together. How to play in a key, soloing, composition, ear training and more. My Music Theory Program Package is a culmination of everything I learned at school. It's designed to realize your creative potential FAST. This course is specifically designed for players who feel uninspired, or feel like their motivation has diminished over the years. If you don't really like guitar and hate the thought of practicing, this course is NOT for you. I promise to show you the fastest path to master music theory but it will take work. This course contains over 200 pages of transcriptions, tabs and over 20 hrs of video. Topics include, music theory, ear training, neoclassical metal, how to write a guitar riff, how to solo, how to play guitar for beginners, scale + chord bible, ultimate guitar workouts, how to practice, guitar modes, counterpoint, how to increase your speed, classical guitar, negative harmony, 12 tone rows and much more!

🎸Music Theory For Guitarists 

If you have some background in guitar and aren't a complete beginner, Music Theory For Guitarists will teach you everything I learned at music school. Nothing like this exists on the internet. Over 4 hours of interactive video content, 26 pages of transcriptions, TABS,  Standard Notation, guitar pro files, pdf’s and play along practice tracks totaling 30 minutes. There's a crazy amount of value in this course. You’ll master pitch, the guitar fretboard, the musical alphabet, how to read music, tabs, intervals, scales, modes, triads, 7th chords, chord inversions, keys, the circle of 5ths, interactive ear training quizzes, note identification, fretboard note location, time signatures, rhythm, 12 bar blues, jazz, rock and counterpoint. I’ll demonstrate each concept using selections from 50 popular songs. Artists include, Metallica, Megadeth, Iron Maiden, Pink Floyd, Nirvana, Led Zeppelin, U2, Dream Theater, Rush, Stevie Wonder, Deep Purple, Tom Petty, Beethoven, John Williams and much more

🔥 Secret To Get Huge Results

Just purchasing this course won't get you results. It's crucial to have the right mindset to progress as fast as possible. Use my BBC strategy to equip yourself with a growth mindset. First, BELIEVE you can do it. Next, BREAKDOWN the challenge into small steps and finally CELEBRATE your wins with a reward to encourage good habits. Henry Ford said, "Whether you think you can or you can't, you're right."

️ 🎸How To Write A Guitar Riff

Moving through the program, I highly recommend my how to write a guitar riff course. This is one of my most popular courses covering how iconic bands like Metallica and Megadeth write music. Honestly it's confusing listening to James Hetfield or Dave Mustaine talk about songwriting. I agree the riff is the most important aspect of the song but the question is, how does one come up with your own riffs? In this course we cover key tools great composers use like tonal reference points, how to write melody, a simple 2 step process to write your own riffs, the science behind why 0-0-0 works and more. This is a 48 page written course that reads like a social media feed. Huge pictures, memes and tabs as you scroll along at your own pace. You'll learn theory, scales and most important, how to apply knowledge to get people to FEEL your music! 

🎸️ How To Play Guitar 

I know some of you are just starting out with guitar. A lot of what I teach is more advanced, so I thought I'd make a course covering the basics. In 78 pages, you'll learn the basic anatomy of guitar, how to sit when practicing, holding the pick, how to read tabs, popular riffs like Crazy Train, the CAGED System, easy classical licks, finger picking, Metallica's Nothing Else Matters and much more. Learning something new can be overwhelming, so I cover how to break down difficult challenges and accomplish your goals easily with chunking technique. Sometimes a simple change in strategy or mindset makes all the difference. This is a written course with pictures, memes, tabs and a fun scrolling flow. It's like you're cruising through youtube or instagram, except you're learning something. You'll get simple songs under your fingers that also sound great. Power chords, scales and more!

️🎸Music Theory Bundle Playlist 

My music theory bundle playlist is a treasure trove of 70 plus videos. 15 hrs of content on scales, composition, counterpoint, songwriting, guitar technique and so much more. Let me just highlight a few of my favorite videos in this bundle. The Mind Blowing Guitar Modes lesson. This masterclass reveals my 3 keys to unlock the power of modes in your playing. This is an absolute game changer for anyone interested in writing their own music. It's all about how to capture a specific mood with my special two chord theory. I have several videos and even full courses on how to solo. There's a video on how to use counterpoint to make your own guitar riffs. You can follow along as I write everything out in guitar pro, which is like my version of a whiteboard lesson. I have a masterclass on Negative Harmony, which is super cool for composers, how to write 12 tone rows, classical guitar tutorial, videos on how to increase your speed, music theory overview lessons, great video on how to harmonize lead lines. Also, be sure to check out my Neoclassical Metal Music Theory course. This is where you learn the scales, chords and compositional techniques to get that classical vibe in your riffs and licks. There's too much good stuff in this bundle to mention but It's probably the deepest source of value in the entire program. 

️ 🎸Ultimate Guitar Workouts

I hate the feeling that you're not really progressing or even losing your chops. Sometimes it's hard to know what to practice to keep moving forward. So I came up with a brilliant idea a while back. What if I wrote a routine that included everything a student needs to advance in a fun musical format. This is the idea behind my ultimate guitar workouts. It sounds like real music but really, you're working on picking, sweeping, tapping, legato, hybrid picking, Neapolitan chords, secondary dominants, pedal tones, changing keys. It's basically a way to combine theory and technique in one super exercise. I mean, it's true that chromatic scales will improve your technique but they just aren't usable in real musical situations. I wanted the material in my ultimate workouts to be something you could use in your improvising and even for your own songs. I work on these everyday and it's absolutely insane what it does for your chops. Be sure to get the guitar pro app and play along to the track for best results. Here you can adjust the tempo and watch the tab scroll by to get your learning on steroids. 

️ 🎸Scale + Chord Bible | Classical Guitar Package  

I always hated scale and chord books growing up because there was no context. How are you supposed to use all this stuff? In my scale/chord bible package you learn the CAGED SYSTEM, common chord progressions for each style of music, including jazz, metal, classical, rock and more. You also get modal cadences you can write songs with, my twinkle twinkle harmonization exercises are really fun as well. This is where I use the twinkle twinkle little star melody to demonstrate how you can use chord substitutions, modes and other songwriting techniques. This is a huge way to generate song ideas, just adapt the techniques to your own melody. I'm also including my classical guitar package, which is a collection of over 25 pieces transcribed by me, so you can read the tab. I've included standard notation as well. These are all songs I learned while studying classical guitar for 5 years at music school. If you're not familiar with the style or don't use your fingers, it will absolutely blow up your electric chops as well. Your hands get so much stronger and more agile. I hate to admit this but classical guitar is way harder than even the most virtuosic shredding. You have to play all the parts at once and form a complete musical arrangement. It makes you aware of how music theory works because you're not just playing your own part in isolation

⭐️ How To Take This Course

No one gets better at guitar by sitting on the couch watching TV. The fastest way to achieve your goals is to be consistent with your routine. Aim to practice first thing in the morning for 20 minutes. Choose a quiet place free of distractions. Make sure each practice session includes the 4 core fundamentals of musicianship, Technique, Improvising, Theory and Songs. Allow time for the program to start showing results in your playing and remember to HAVE FUN muhahaha!

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